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Anna Sheffield offers a timeless alternative to traditional commitment and fine jewelry with an unconventional selection of ethically-crafted jewels. She is a New York-based designer hailing from Northern New Mexico. Anna designs jewelry from a personal and thoughtful place, seeing it as a form of creative expression informed by her Fine Art background. Read the Q & A below to learn a bit more about the woman behind our newest collection.



How did you first become interested in jewelry design?

I feel like that happened in stages. Being raised in the Southwest, jewelry was always fore in my mind in terms of both personal expression and artisanship. Then, after earning my degree in sculpture, I found myself more and more interested in making jewelry. I had learnt the techniques but was only interested in making sculptures in school, but over time, my focus became jewelry making, quite by accident really.

Your jewelry has a very unique style – where do you get your inspiration?

As I mentioned above, I studied Fine Art. So I really do look to art, design and architecture for inspiration, much more than I ever look to fashion. I feel that keeps my design and my mode of expressing it more pure and personal. I love antiquities as well, so there is certainly sometimes a vintage inspiration. But also I aim to keep the styles modern, and with some kind of twist, like a contrast in scale or use of materials or something slightly odd in the design, I call it an irreverence. It’s my love for Dada that makes that seem so appealing.

What are your favorite pieces from your collection right now?

I don’t tend to pick favorites, and usually the top of the list is whatever is most newly complete. So the grey diamond pieces, from the new Rosette studs in 18K to the Celestine nesting rings and eternity bands… to the one of a kind pieces we have now in Bea and Hazeline collections. I just love how each stone is so completely unique and perfectly imperfect at the same time.

What are your favorite pieces to design?

Clearly, I am enamored with rings, so I would have to admit those are my favorites. I think of them as very architectural, kind of tiny bridges, both in design & how they span the finger, but also in terms of their talismanic quality, like in how ceremonial rings connect two people symbolically.

What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect about being a jewelry designer?

Truly, I am daily inspired by clients and my team. It’s humbling beyond belief to have people that you adore and respect helping to bring your vision to life every day. And in terms of the ceremonial rings, I am awed and honored that the pieces I make become an integral part of the lives they adorn- and oh, the love stories! I just love LOVE.



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