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Courtney Prince, the designer behind Doloris Petunia, has proved that creating bold, colorful, and one-of-a-kind jewelry can also be timeless.  We are always in search of designers that are doing something fresh, and Courtney’s jewelry is so unique and unlike anything we have ever seen.  Her designs emphasize color and sparkle to create a long lasting impression.  Recently we had the opportunity to pick Courtney Prince’s brain and ask her about Doloris Petunia, but most importantly, what inspires her.

Who are your favorite designers and what inspires Doloris Petunia?

We are inspired mostly by what we wish was in our own closet. The goal always is to listen and react to our custom clients and create pieces for them that they cannot find anywhere else. As a designer, I do miss being in NYC and sitting on the subway and seeing such a wide variety of people and fashion and being inspired by that. In California, I am inspired by the LA art scene and what is going on in fashion on film. Above all else, each day it is about creating pieces that would make our clients, friends and acquaintances feel like they have an extra glow the day they are wearing one of our pieces. We like creating conversation starters.

Specifically I am currently inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, Ralph Lauren, Banksy, Chuck Close, Kelly Reemtsen, NPR and The Rolling Stones.

Doloris Petunia has been featured in some of the most coveted magazines out there-Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Lucky, and People, just to name a few. What is it like to have so much attention from the press and to see your jewelry as a hot topic for discussion?

That’s very kind of you to say. I don’t think I ever think of it that way. I am always very flattered to get picked up by such huge outlets by just word of mouth but it means as much to me to see one of my pieces in a big magazine as it does to create a custom piece for a client to wear on her wedding day or on a first date. It is just wonderful to do what you love and have people want to wear your pieces because they make them feel excited in someway. My favorite compliment to hear is when clients tell me that when they wear my pieces they get lots of compliments on them. I am very aware at the point that a client purchases a piece, it becomes a part of how they present themselves to the world. That sounds sort of silly but I find that so flattering.

What are the materials you use to create your jewelry, and how would you differentiate Doloris Petunia from other design processes and other jewelry lines out there? Would you ever consider designing things a bit differently, like putting a clasp on the Friendship Bracelets?

We use a wide variety of materials. Swarovski crystals, vintage findings and many other non-typical jewelry materials. We are always on a quest to come up with new ways to create pieces in unusual ways that are innovative, easy to wear and more than anything we are always hoping to create wearable pieces of art.

We are always more then happy to receive feedback from our clients as to how to make our pieces better and more functional. It is a struggle to have to marry an idea with something that can be produced on a larger then one or two scale and fit a wide variety of clients. An example is the friendship bracelet with the hand ties. We have experimented in many ways to create a closure that is functional for the widest variety of people… which is always the rub.

Here at M. Flynn, many of our custom jewelry pieces are for soon-to-be brides. What’s in store for your Spring 2013 bridal collection?

We are experimenting with a line of clutches for bridal and other occasions that will follow the same principles as our hugely popular custom bridal cuff. It will bring the same attention to vintage details, customization and one of a kind design to the clutch world. We are also always trying to create head pieces that are a unique and the modern answer to the traditional veil that brides can wear with any dress and still feel the specialness of her wedding day.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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